Sunday, September 7, 2014

Raising awareness and money for brain cancer research by going over the edge again

Of course, since I have brain cancer, I would like to raise awareness. If only I could have come up with the ice bucket challenge and bring millions in for brain cancer research.

Did you know that, although any terminal disease is awful, only 2 in 100,000 people get ALS. While 1 in 165 people get brain cancer. Neither one has a cure. Now that there was the ice bucket challenge the amount of money for ALS research has skyrocketed, while brain cancer research remains one of the lowest funded cancers out of all of the different types of cancers.

This being said, I am repelling down the tallest waterfront building in San Diego again this year. My daughter, Faith and my Uncle Charlie are both going to go "over the edge" with me. I'm super excited to have them on my team and raising money for brain cancer research. We each need to raise $1500 to repel and I have put my (OK my husband's) credit card down as a promise to raise the funds for myself and my daughter.

If you'd like to see pictures of me doing it last year click "here"

EDIT: I reached my goal, surpassed it and would like any future donations to go to my daughter's page or my Uncle's page. I'm not sure if they'll allow it to be spread out, but I am checking into it.

Here is the link to my page (but please don't donate anymore to me, thanks to all who have)!!

Here is the link to my beautiful daughter's page

And here is the link to my Uncle's page

As a simple request, if you donate because of my blog, please put that in the comments when you donate. Thank you!! I'm just curious!

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